
Captured: The Corporate Infiltration of American Democracy

Captured: The Corporate Infiltration of American Democracy

The common good hosted a special conversation with Senator Sheldon Whitehouse about his new book, Captured: The Corporate Infiltration of American Democracy and issue on the environment, particularly protection of the oceans, and political campaign spending, small business growth, and protecting American liberties from warrantless wiretapping.

Post-Election Panel 2016

Post-Election Panel 2016

This historic and wildly unpredictable election has left many in America stunned and divided. What happened? And more important, what is ahead? The Common Good hosted a ‘Post-Election Panel’ to discuss ‘The New Political Landscape–History in the Making’ for a candid discussion on the winners and losers, and what it means for our nation. 

Commentary on the 2016 Presidential Election with Bill Kristol

Commentary on the 2016 Presidential Election  with Bill Kristol

Bill Kristol, founder and editor of The Weekly Standard spoke on his views of the 2016 presidential election. Hosted by Steven Buffone and Chele Chiavacci Farley

“The Campaign 2016: What the Numbers Reveal”

“The Campaign 2016: What the Numbers Reveal”

We were pleased to have highly respected pollster Mark Mellman join us to shed light on the current status of the campaign race to the 2016 presidential election. As part of his discussion, Mellman shared his views on the impact of the primary schedule, subgroup polling insights, and the key influencing factors.

Election Insurrection: The Mid-Term Elections 2010

Election Insurrection: The Mid-Term Elections 2010

The Common Good and the Roosevelt House Public Policy Institute at Hunter College joined forces to present “Election Insurrection: The Mid-Term Elections 2010.” This timely forum brought together America’s top political journalists with an authoritative range of strategists from across the political spectrum to discuss the importance—and likely impact—of the November Congressional…